Psp Software Update 6.31

PSP Firmware Update 6.31 Apparently Patches HBL 6.30 WIP Port [img] Much like its almost barren PS3 firmware 3.41 counterpart, PSP. It’s been quite a while since we brought you news of a firmware update for Sony’s PSP gaming system (over a year to be more precise), but it now looks like PSP.

In the following I will write a detailed guide on how to update your PSP to the newest hackable Firmware and how to install the newest (Light) Custom Firmware. This will not be a fancy guide. Don't await any fancy graphics, this will be a simple text guide with a few screenshots to help you. Foreword: This guide will be divided into 5 parts. A Custom Firmware for Firmware 6.20, one for Firmware 6.35 and one for Firmware 6.39. I also added the downgrading option for the people who want to have the permanent 6.20. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU BRICK YOUR PSP.

Psp Specs

This tutorial was created by me, but every program in this thread was created by others. Differences between 6.20 PRO, 6.35 PRO and 6.39 PRO: The main difference between those two is, that the 6.20 PRO can be installed permanently. That means, if you turn off the PSP, that it is still installed. The 6.35 PRO and 6.39 PRO can only be installed temporarily and will be erased as soon as you turn off your PSP. This is due to the new checks that were build in the 6.35.

A permanent patch for it would require a lot of work. If a permanent patch for 6.35 get's released, I will update this thread to reflect the new changes. The compatibility should be nearly or exactly the same for backups, homebrew and plugins. The 6.20 PRO can't be installed permanently on every PSP.

Some new models of the PSP 3000 (9g) doesn't allow you to install it permanently. On this PSP's, you can only install the 6.20 PRO temporarily or the 6.35 PRO 9g is limited to PSP 3000, so if you have a PSP 1000, 2000 or Go, you don't need to worry about it. Information about 9g's: Newer PSP 3000 models come with Firmware 6.35. They have the modelnumber 9g and new drivers. These PSP's can't be downgraded to 6.20 ( DON'T TRY IT, YOU WILL RECEIVE A BRICK) and you can't install the 6.20 PRO permanently to the PSP. If you have a PSP 3000 and installed your PRO, always look into the System Information and notice what g you have.