Infragistics Webdatagrid Row Edit Template: Software Free Download

Infragistics Webdatagrid Row Edit Template: Software Free Download

Row Editing Template (WebDataGrid) The Row Editing Template is a feature that allows you to present the end-user with a custom interface for data editing. Enabling Row Editing Template Before You Begin To supply the end-user with a custom template for data editing in WebDataGrid™. Download Trial. Navigating through DataGrid / Infragistics WebGrid. TBody gives the row of the. But may contain usage terms in the article text or the download files. Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls Namespace. The object defines a client binding of a control on the edit row template. Server editing events for WebDataGrid.

Do not rely on the InitializeRow event to fire in response to a change of a property of the row object, such as an Appearance property. InitializeRow fires each time the data in the row is initialized or re-initialized (i.

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Refreshed) from its data source. Instead, place the code that should be run when some property is changed in the same method that changes that property. The attached example code using the Sports2000 sample database contains an UltraGrid for Customer data and a second UltraGrid for Order data. The Customer grid has an AfterRowActivate event handler that populates the Order grid with orders for the active Customer row, and changes the background color of the Name cell if the Country is not 'USA'. This event handler also has code to set the background color of the Promise Date cell of all rows in the Order grid to red. The code also contains InitializeRow event handlers for both the Customer and Order grids that changes the background color of Ship Date cell to green or blue respectively. Notice when the code is run that the Promise Date cells are red for orders of the appropriate customers, but the Ship Date cells never change color.