Final Fantasy 12 Hdloader Patch

Final Fantasy Patch 4.2

Alright, venting moved to the end, here are some details: As I said, the iso rips were easy. I think I have those right.

Sep 15, 2007 The new patch from can run FFXII on hd without any audio problems on videos. I think you can find it here: ABOUT THE GAME. Now enhanced for Windows PC, FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 is created with the aim of surpassing the quality of its predecessor in every way, featuring new.

Winhiip will not let me access the iso files or the DVD/CD drives in my computers. It will not patch my games. It will let me do just about anything else to the hard disk.

It gives me a drag and drop box to add iso images. I can drag the iso images to the box, but it won't allow me to drop them there. Hdl dumb will give me full access to the iso files but won't recognize the hard disk.

It locks up when I hook the hard disk to the computer and check 'locally connected PS2 hard disk'. It also won't hook up to the ps2. My PS2 was given an address of when I used the Action Replay MAX to connect to the internet so I could see an address. HDL dumb gives it an address of as stated in the ipconfig file. I changed the setting to using uLaunchELF but still the HDL dumb server says it's

When I try anything except shutting down the PS2, hdl dumb's client side locks up. If I tell it to shut down the PS2, it tells me that there's no PS2 attached. Further, my router tells me that the PS2 is 'inactive' even when then server side of HDL dumb is running.

I think this is a problem with the PS2 (server) side of HDL dumb. If I could get either winhiip to allow me to add iso images or get hdl dumb to recognize my hard disk OR my PS2, I think I'd be OK.

Alternately (and my preferred method by far) would be to have a reliable program that would rip and patch games solely with the PS2. If it hooked to the web to download patches that would be even better. HDLoader ripped and runs many of my games but the problem is that it simply doesn't work with the games I want to play.

Oddly enough, it worked with several games that the compatibility list said wouldn't work. BTW, I have 98SE and a couple versions of Fedora (both with Gnome desktop environment) available to me, but I'm not too comfortable yet with Fedora. I tried using it when I was hacking my PSP up and it was a no go, but I might be able to use it with the PS2. Is there a site with more knowledgeable people regarding the PS2? Is someone here willing to install the games if I ship them the games and the hard disk?

BEGIN VENTING FRUSTRATED RAGE I still cannot get my PS2 games to install to the hard disk and work. I have tried HDLoader 0.8c, winhiip 1.76, and hdldumb 1.4.

NONE of them work with FFXII, Raiden III, or Arctic Thunder. Not ONE of those programs will work. Those are really the only games I've cared to run from the hard disk at all. I tried patching FFXII with winhiip. When I click the patch icon, nothing happens. I ripped Raiden III and FFXII with Alcohol 120% (royal pain in the ***, by the way) and I ripped FFXII with DVD Decrypter.

I tried them both with HD Loader in the console and while FFXII ripped just fine it will not load even in mode 1 and mode 3 as the compatibility list suggests that it would. I've given up on the older versions of HD Loader. I've Googled just about every combination of 'HD Loader won't work', 'winhiip won't work', and 'hdl dumb won't work' that I can think of. I've thrown in +98SE and +Fedora tags because those are the two operating systems I have at my disposal.

Zero, zilch, no help at all shows up. Put simple, I want to know what program I can load on the PS2 alone, without any use of a PC aside from downloading patches, to load and patch the games I have. Those are the three that are giving me trouble--everything else has sat there pretty much unplayed since I got Free McBoot/HDLoader.

I'm getting so frustrated with this that I'm about to delete Free McBoot and all the homebrew apps from my PS2 entirely. Come on, I loaded a whole stack of my PSP games onto a single large memory stick last night and the only trouble I had was with a stuck UMD. I've loaded just about anything to and from my 7800 with DevOS.